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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Credit Card Holders – Safeguard Your Credit Card Usage

A credit card gives you the financial freedom to purchase various commodities, but at the same time it may also lead you to a risky condition. Yes, i am talking about credit card debt. We often say - “big trouble comes in small packages” . So this might be true for you someday if you do not controll your money spending habits. So its very important to safeguard your credit card usage.

Following are certain points that you should always keep in mind while you use your credit card :-

  • Signature On Your CC – Do you know you signature is a big security. The very first thing that you should do is to put your signature on your credit so that no one else would be able to use it.
  • Call Up the Creditor – The second thing that you should do is to call-up the creditor. This is just to activate your credit card. This step is preferred by most of the issuer just to avoid ant fraud activity and you give you additional information.
  • Account Information – Do not share your credit card information with anyone. Keep all documents related to CC safely. Any person with wrong intension can try to steal your money and even assume your credit identity. So CC holders, always stay alert!
  • Lending your Card – Avoid lending your card to friends or any relative. Its very to learn trick how to avoid your friend without hurting them when they ask for your Credit Card.
  • Copies of sales slips – Do not forget to keep the copies of sales slips. You can compare the charges after you receive your bill.

Safeguard your credit card usage and avoid being a victim to CC fraud activities.


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