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Saturday, November 6, 2010

'Credit Rejected : Know The Reasons Behind.... '

You all must be knowing about credit report. An individual's Credit Report is considered as the reflection of his money and it also gives a complete evaluation of his past & recent credits. Its is true to mention that a creditor will always look into your credit report before he accepts your loan request. Extablishing and then again re-establishing credit is not that easy. So its important to understand the vitality of a credit report. Well, in this article i have highlighted some of the probable reasons for which credit grantors may deny extending your credit.

  • There are few creditors who even check out that you've been at your job or address for at least three years. So if you don't fit to this criteria they will simply reject your credit request.

  • Another reason that can hold is that if your credit report contain wrong information about your credit. Theres another vital information that i would like to tell you is that, if your credit gets refused, you hold the right to get a free duplicate of your credit report within 30 days of rejection from the credit reporting agency used by that creditor. Now you should take advantage of this. You can review your credit report and also can check and determine if theres any mistake.

  • Now if your credit report shows that you have applied for many credit recently then they may reject your loan request. In such a case be sure that the lenders will put question on your motive behind the credit approval.


Kevin Adrews said...

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